Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Cliar > Cliar > Cumha Coire Cheathaich

Cliar Cumha Coire Cheathaich
Credits: Duncan Bàn MacIntyre; arranged by Cliar
Appears On: Cliar
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
'S duilich leam an càrach I am dismayed at the condition
Th'air Coire ghorm an fhàsaich Of the deserted corrie
An robh mi greis de m'àrach Where I once lived
'Sa bhràighe seo thall On the Brae yonder
'S iomadh fear a bhàrr orm There's many's a man besides me
A thaitnich e ra nàdur Whose heart would be gladdened
Nam biodh e mar a bha e If it had remained as it was
Nuair dh'fhàg mi e nall When I left
Gunnaireachd is làmhaich Shooting and gun volleys
'S puirt is aobhar-gàire Sport and fun
Chleachd bhi aig na h-àrmuinn Were enjoyed by the heroes
A b'àbhaist 'bhi 'sa ghleann Who once populated the glen
Rinn na fir ud fhàgail Those men left
'S Mac Eòghainn th'ann an dràsda And MacEwen who now lives there
Mar neach an ionad càbaig Like a stone in place of cheese
An àite na bh'ann Replacing those who were once there
Tha 'choille bha 'san fhrìth ud The wood in that forest
Na cuislean fada dìreach Long, straight trunks
Air tuiteam a's air crìonadh Have fallen and withered
Sìos air an rùsg Down in their bark
Na preasan a bha brìoghar The fruitful thickets
Na dosaibh tiugha lìonmhor And the thick and plentiful branches
Air seachda' mar gu spìont' iad Have withered as though
A nìos a's an ùir They were plucked from the earth
Na failleannan bu bhòidhche The most beautiful shoots
Na slatan is na h-ògain The twigs and the saplings
'S an àit am biodh an smeòrach And the place where the thrush
Gu mòghar a' seinn ciùil Sung its gentle song
Tha iad uil' air caochladh They have all changed
Cha d' fhuirich fiodh no fraoch ann Neither wood nor heather remains
Tha mullach bhàrr gach craoibhe The top is missing from every tree
'S am maor ga thoirt dhiubh Removed by the bailiff
Tha Uisge Srath na Dìge The Water of Srath-na-Dìge
Na shruthladh dubh gun sìoladh Runs black and filled with sediment
Le barraig uaine liogh-ghlais With a gray-green scuf on it
Gu mi-bhlasda grànd' Foul and ugly
Feur-lochain is tàchair Marsh and water weed
An cinn an duilleag-bhàite On top of the water-lily
Chan eil gnè tuilleadh fàs ann There is nothing else growing
San àit' ud san àm Now in that place
Glumagan a' chàthair Boggy pools
Na ghlugaibh domhain, sàmhach In its dense, still pits
Cho tiugh ri sùghan càtha Are as thick as corn-husk sowans
Na lathaich 's na phlam In sediment and slime
Sean bhùrn salach ruaghain Stale, dirty scurf-water
Cha ghloinne ghrunnd na uachdar Unclean at depth and on the surface
Gur coslach ri muir ruaidh e Like a red sea
Na ruaimle feadh staing A muddied flow through creeks
Ach mas duine de shliochd Phàdraig But if one of Patrick's line
A thèid a nis don àite Now goes to the place
'S gun cuir e as a làraich And if he drives from his position
An tàchran a th'ann The changeling there
Bi'n coire mar a bha e The corrie will be as it was
Bi laoigh is aighean dàr ann There will be calves and rutting hinds there
Bidh daimh a' dol san dàmhair The stags will mate
Air fàsach nam beann In the mountain wilderness
Bi buic 's na badain blàtha There will be bucks in the warm thickets
Na bric san abhainn làimh riu The trout in the river beside them
'S na fèidh an srath na lairge And the deer on Srath na Lairge
Ag àrach nam mang Rearing their young
Thig gach uile nì ga àbhaist Everything will be as normal
Le aighear is le àbhachd With joy and delight
Nuair gheibh am Baran bàirlinn When the baron gets the warning to leave
Sud fhàgail gun taing And good riddance