Celtic Lyrics Corner > Compilations > Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl > Aodann Strathbhain

Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl Aodann Strathbhain
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mairi Morrison & Jim Sutherland
Appears On: Ar Cànan 'S Ar Ceòl (compilation)
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Aodann Srath Bhàin" on Capercaillie's album Delirium

Lyrics: English Translation:
Mi ri iomachd 'nam aonar One day as I chanced to wander
Anns an òg mhadainn Mhàigh On a May morning early
Feadh ghleanntaichean uaine I was roaming aimlessly
Mar fhear fhuadain gun stàth Through the green glens
'N uair a chunnaic mi a' ghruagach When I saw this bonny maid
An taobh shuas dhiom a' tàmh A bit further up the glen
'S i ri nighe cuid aodaich Washing her clothes
Mach air Aodann Srathbhain Out on the Braes of Strath Blane
An sin dhìrich mi suas I decided to go up
Far an robh gruagach mo ghràidh And approach the young maiden
Is labhair mi rithe I spoke to her
Gu sìobhalta blàth Warmly and civily
Tha bliadhna agus còrr It's now just over a year
Ò 'n thòisich ar gràdh Since our love began
Is ma bhitheas tu deònach And if you're now ready
Bidh sinn pòsadh gun dàil We could be married without delay
Gun dàil Without delay
Gu pòsadh, gu pòsadh To marry, to marry
Ro-òg tha mi 'n dràsda I'm far too young for that
Gu bheil teanga aig do sheòrsa The tongue of your likes
Dhèanadh fògradh 's gabh àit' Is too deceitful and causes sorrow
Gum bi m' athair 's mo mhàthair My father and mother
'Gam chàineadh gu bràth Would scold me forever
Nam pòsainn do leithid If I were to marry
A fhleasgaich gun stàth A young man without means
Ach a nigheanan òga But young lasses
Tha gun phòsadh 's gach àit Wherever you are, who are still unmarried
Na diùltaibh fir òga Do not refuse young lads
Le mòr chùis no tàmh From arrogance
Nach muladach dhomh-sa Look at me now
Bhith gun phòsadh gu bràth I shall never get married
Is fheudar fuireach 'nam aonar I shall always have to live on my own
Mach air Aodann Srathbhain On the Braes of Strath Blane