Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mairi MacInnes > Tickettyboo > Tic Toc Ars' An Cloc

Tickettyboo Tic Toc Ars' An Cloc
Credits: Mairead Hulse & Mairi MacInnes
Appears On: Tickettyboo
Language: Gŕidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sčist: Chorus (after each verse):
Tic toc ars an cloc Tick tock said the clock
Tic, tic toc tha thid' agad eirigh Tick tick tock, time to get up
'S tu dol dhan sgoil For school
Tic toc ars an cloc Tick tock said the clock
Tic, tic toc tha thid' agad eirigh Tick tick tock, time to get up
Feumaidh tu dhol dhan scoil For school
Siuthad dean cabhag cluinn fuaim a chlag Hurry, hurry, hear the gong of the bell
Tha torr againn ri dheamamh mu's faigh sinn a mach We've lots to do before breaktime
Leughadh an toiseach 'feuch co 's fhearr We'll read first to see who reads the best
Cunntais a rithist's chan fhaod e bhith cearr Then we'll do counting and it must not be wrong
Ni sinn beagan sgriobaidh stoiridh neo dha We'll do some writing, write a story or two
'S a rithist ni sinn deilbh dhe'n h-uile seorsa dath And later we'll paint with different colors