Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Relativity > Gathering Pace > Ceol Anna

Gathering Pace Ceol Anna
Credits: a) Ceol Anna - Phil Cunningham
b) A Rìbhinn Òg Bheil Cuimhn' Agad - traditional; arranged by Relativity
Appears On: Gathering Pace
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
A rìbhinn òg bheil cuimhn' agad Fair maiden, do you remember
'S a ghruagach dhonn an cluinn thu mi? And brown-haired lass, do you hear me?
A rìbhinn òg bheil cuimhn' agad Fair maiden, do you remember
An oidhche mu'n do sheòl mi? The night before I sailed?
Gur fada, fada thall thà mi Far, far I am away
'S chan fhaigh mi null a shealltuinn ort And I cannot come to see you
'S ged dhirinn bhàrr nan crann aice And although I climb to the top of the masts
Chan fheic mi beanntan Leodhais I cannot see the hills of Lewis
A ghruagach na biodh àmghar ort My dearest, do not be anxious
Òir 's cinnteach thà mo làmh-sa dhuit For surely I will give you my hand
'S tù a ghràigh as fheàrr leam I prefer you to anyone else
Nà mo mhàthair dh'àraich òg mi Even my mother who brought me up
Thà mi falbh Di-Ciadain uat I am leaving you on Wednesday
'S chan fhaic thu air son bliadhna mi And I won't see you for another year
'S feuch nach dèan an cianalas Try not to let our parting
Do liathadh ged is òg thu Make you gray although you are young
Nuair bhios mi gun chompanach When I am without a companion
'S a bhios an oidhche trom orm And I feel the night long
Bidh gealach toir 'nam chuimhne The moon brings to mind
Liuthad oidhche bha sin còmhla The many nights we were together
(Sèist 2x) (Chorus 2x)