Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Margaret Stewart > Colla Mo Rùn > Òran Fear Ghlinne-Cuaich

Colla Mo Rùn Òran Fear Ghlinne-Cuaich
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Margaret Stewart & Allan MacDonald
Appears On: Colla Mo Rùn
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Faigh an t-searrag-sa mun cuairt Get this bottle 'round
Lìon an àird gu bàrr a' chuach And fill the cup up to its brim
Deoch slàinte fear Ghlinne-Cuaich A health to the laird of Glen Quoich
'S gun éireadh buaidh gach latha leis And may his be the victory every day
Latha dhomh 's mi muigh air chuairt One day as I walked out
Thachair orm fear Ghlinne-Cuaich I met the laird of Glen Quoich
Làmh a dhiòladh dhòmhs' an duais His, the hand to dispense rewards to me
'S gun d'fhuair sin rud an latha sin And we got something that day
Ceist nam ban o thìr nam bó Darling of the women from the land of the cattle
Far Strath Chluainidh ghorm an fheòir From green Strath Cluaine of the grass
Far an d'fhuair thu d'àrach òg Where you were brought up
'S gun cùnnte móran aighean dhut And you owned many heifers
Bu tu ceann-uidhe nam bàrd To you the bards traveled
Na fìdhlearan 's luchd nan dàn And fiddlers and singers
Nuair a shìneadh tu do làmh When you stretched out your hand
Gum b'àilteachadh leam crathadh dhith A shake of it gave me delight
Nuair a dheidheadh tu bheinn a' cheo When you went to the misty mountain
Dh'iarraidh fàth air damh na cròic To try for a shot at the antlered stag
Air do shùil cha laigheadh sgleò Your eye would not lose its keeness
'S bu sheòlta dol 's an amharc thu And you were cunning at watching them
'S tric a leag thu màthair laoigh Often you felled a fawn's mother
'S a choille ghuirm air a taobh In the green wood on her side
Eilid bhinneach nan cas caol The delicate slender-legged hind
Is coileach fraoich 's a chamhanaich As well as the grouse at twilight
Nuair a dheidheadh tu bheinn na stùc When you went to the steep mountain
Le do ghunna 's le do chù With your gun and your dog
Nuair a lùbadh tu do ghlùin When you bent your knee
Gun ùmhlaicheadh na h-aighean dhut The hinds would yield to you
'S truagh nach d' thachair dhomh bhi 'm bhàrd It's a pity I didn't happen to be a bard
A thogadh do chliù an àird Who could sing your praises
Dheanainn innse dhuibh nam dhàn And I'd tell you all in my song
Gur mac a dh'fhàs mar d'athair thu That you are a son like your father
'S dé dheanadh do mhàthair chòir And what would your mother do
An fhuil uasal dh'fhàs gun phròis She of the noble blood without conceit
Mura tachradh ort té mhór If you didn't chance on a high-born girl
Aig am biodh stòr nach caitheadh i With unlimited wealth
'S faigh an t-searrag-sa mun cuairt Get this bottle 'round
Lìon an àird gu bàrr a' chuach And fill it to its brim
Deoch slàinte fear Ghlinne-Cuaich A health to the laird of Glen Quoich
'S gun éireadh buaidh gach latha leis And may his be the victory every day